Thousands of women, children and men who sought protection in Europe, are trapped in in European Union-sponsored centres and other facilities on the Greek islands. Their living conditions worsen every day. They are forced to stay in filthy, overcrowded camps and many have no other choice but to sleep in summer tents or on the ground. With winter looming, there is no time to lose. The security of women, men and children is at risk. .
This is happening because Greece, with the support of European governments, is preventing people from leaving the islands to the mainland as part of the EU-Turkey deal. But there is no excuse to keep people confined in squalor at Europe’s doorsteps. The Greek government, with the support of other European leaders, can change this. They can all ensure that by December 21, the start of winter, no one sleeps in the cold. They need to end this inhumane containment and #opentheislands.
Call on the Greek government to end to the containment policy on the islands and allow people to move to mainland Greece
Dear Prime Minister Tsipras
I am gravely concerned for the safety and wellbeing of asylum seeking women, men and children trapped on the Greek islands and I am asking you to take action. People are living in increasingly harsh conditions and with the arrival of winter they need to be protected. That can only be achieved by ending the containment policy and transferring asylum seekers to the mainland. As a matter of urgency, and in parallel with lifting the containment policy, we call on you to make sure that by 21st December, official start of winter, the number of people in the camps doesn’t exceed the nominal capacity.
People have been left in this terrible situation because of the EU-Turkey Deal, and it is the responsibility of Greek and European leaders to rectify this. Please lift the restrictions that keep people on the islands and move them to the Greek mainland so that they can be provided with warm shelter, safe living conditions, and services to meet their needs.